St Giles Spencer continues to be an "Outstanding" Academy following recent Ofsted visit

St Giles Spencer Academy continues to be an Outstanding school following its first Ofsted visit since joining the Spencer Academies Trust back in November 2019.
The glowing report praises the exceptional teaching and highly personalised and aspirational curriculum in which “pupils flourish socially and academically”.
St Giles Spencer is a large inclusive special school in Derby City, for pupils aged 4 to 11 with a diverse range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The school recently underwent an ungraded inspection, which is designed to ensure the Academy remains Outstanding, following their last full graded inspection in December 2016.
The report opens: “St Giles Spencer Academy provides an exceptional education for its pupils and is ambitious for all who attend this caring school. Relationships between pupils and adults are kind and respectful.”
The schools’ strong focus on communication and developing independence was also emphasised; “Through effective communication, staff develop warm relationships with pupils based on high levels of trust. Pupils know staff will help them. As a result, pupils are happy and feel safe.”
Staff members were also recognised for their profound understanding of pupils’ unique and individual needs and strong commitment to ensuring that pupils receive highly aspirational learning. Inspectors noted that “Staff are proud and happy to work at this school. They speak highly of leaders’ support for staff wellbeing and to manage their workload.”
As part of the visit, inspectors also look at parent feedback through discussions and responses to online surveys. It was highlighted that parents and carers spoke highly of their children’s experiences. One parent told inspectors: ‘St Giles Academy is an amazing school for children with additional needs; without the effort and support the school provides and the provisions they have in place for my child, they wouldn't be able to grow and develop in the way they have.’
Principal, Kim Smith, was delighted with the report: “We are proud that the provision we provide on a daily basis has been celebrated and acknowledged as outstanding. As a school, we have continued to ensure that all children are provided with the most effective strategies to communicate, to develop their independence and to prepare them for life within their community. The report encapsulates the true strength and support of the whole St Giles Spencer community and acknowledges why staff are proud and happy to work here.”
Director of Inclusion at Spencer Academies Trust, Sarah McAneny-Vincent said “We are incredibly proud of our children and staff and the ongoing support of our fantastic parents. This outstanding Ofsted rating is testament to all their hard work, dedication and the community spirit of the entire St Giles Spencer family. We are absolutely thrilled with the outcome of the inspection. It was a rigorous and robust process but very fair. Inspectors really listened and understood the magic that takes place every day at St Giles Spencer Academy.”
Paul West, CEO of Spencer Academies Trust, said “Everyone at Spencer Academies Trust and the entire St. Giles Spencer community are thrilled with the achievement of the school, and the recognition rightly received from Ofsted. St. Giles provides an exceptional level of education and care for their children, and benefit from tremendous support from their families”.
Congratulations to all at St Giles!