Spencer Primary Pupil Parliament: A Year in Review

The Spencer Academies Trust Primary Pupil Parliament met for the final time this year to celebrate and reflect on the achievements of their projects and steering groups over the 2023-24 academic year.
The Pupil Parliament, which consists of two pupils from each Spencer primary, meet once a term to discuss topics that matter most to them, with steering groups centred around the environment, community, teaching and learning and SEND and inclusion.
The group was set up to help Spencer Primary pupils have a place to share their thoughts and allow them the opportunities to implement changes that impact their education, both within school and across the wider trust.
The Pupil Parliament’s environmental-focused steering group implemented ‘Plastic Free July’ this month, a challenge created by the Plastic Free Foundation and the World Wide Fund for Nature, in an effort to reduce single-use plastic across the trust.
Pupils from The Mease Spencer Academy also presented a school assembly on “saying no to landfill” where they explained how long different pieces of rubbish take to biodegrade on a landfill site. The Mease pupils then gave each classroom a different challenge to help lessen their effects on the environment. Tasks included using recyclable bottles instead of plastic ones, using a bag for life and replacing plastic straws and cutlery.
The community steering group set out to help share and celebrate pupil and in-school achievements across the trust. They asked each primary academy to nominate a pupil or group for either a sporting, academic or extra-curricular achievement which was then presented across all Spencer primaries. One of the stories shared included Castleward Spencer Academy’s EAL Singing Stars; a group of children who are new to English who performed in front of the school and parents, singing a series of songs they had learned along with the Makaton signs! Another shared Elliot from Hilton Spencer Academy’s gymnastic achievements; he recently took part in a national competition and won 5 medals, coming 1st place in the vault, high bar and pommel events!
The SEND and Inclusion steering group carried out surveys to find out what ideas and concerns pupils have to help make sure that all children have what they need to enjoy school and make the most out of their school day. This has included more equipment and games at break times, different club ideas and ways of forming friendships.
Pupils from Clover Leys Spencer Academy in the Teaching & Learning steering group organised a non-uniform “Celebration Day” in which children were encouraged to dress up in a way that celebrates their individuality, allowing them to learn about their peers’ interests, hobbies and favourite colours.
The Teaching & Learning steering group also conducted a survey across the trust and found that the subject pupils enjoyed the least was Religious Education, so they looked at ways of making the lessons more fun and interactive. Chellaston Fields Spencer Academy then organised a Sikhism workshop which celebrated the traditional dress and foods of Sikhism, whilst learning about their beliefs and traditions and Inkersall Spencer Academy learnt about Asian marriages at the Open Centre in Derby.
Thinking back to the projects and trips the Pupil Parliament have embarked upon this year, one pupil said, “I've enjoyed helping the environment because I want the world to be a nicer place with nothing bad.” Kylan, from Inkersall Spencer Academy, also shared: “I think the steering groups work really well. It was nice to celebrate everyone in the community.”
Lucy Herbert, Trust Pupil Parliament Lead, said: “It's an absolute honour to work with the children from our primary academies, ensuring that their voices are heard. Seeing the impact of their projects and hearing their passion for making a difference is a constant reminder of how important it is to give them the opportunity to have a say in their education. I look forward to what they have in store for us next year!”
Well done to our Pupil Parliament! We can’t wait to hear your ideas next year!