Beeston Community provides funding for Sunnyside Spencer Academy’s Year 6 Residential Trip

Donations totalling £1,300 from the Zobel Charitable Trust and members of the community will enable Year 6 students to spend two nights at Hagg Farm.
After a request from the school, Sunnyside Spencer Academy governors successfully engaged the local community to provide £1,300 to send Year 6 students on a traditional residential to Hagg farm.
Another donor within the community donated £300 which will cover the cost of two children to attend the two-night stay in the Peak District.
Stephen Scott, a retired solicitor who is active in the local parish, provided £1,000 from the Zobel Charitable Trust to go toward the cost of the residential trip. After meeting the Year 6 students and taking a tour of their school, Mr Scott said, “Wow, what an impressive school is Sunnyside! I was privileged to have been shown round the light and cheery classrooms by the principal, Mrs Laurie Baczynski, and soak up the warm and caring atmosphere which was apparent throughout the school. There are many ongoing developments and the thriving Forest School at one end of the outside space was great to witness.”
He added, “The Year 6 Residential will take place in July and it was good to be able to join them in their classroom and present a cheque to help with the ever-increasing expenses of such a trip. This came from the Zobel Charitable Trust, of which I am a Trustee, which has education as one of its core objects. We wish everyone at Sunnyside all the very best for the rest of the Summer Term and that all Year 6s have a fantastic and memorable time away.”
The Hagg Farm residential is a staple in life at Sunnyside, with Year 6 classes participating annually for the past 10 years. For many children, it will be their first experience staying away from their families overnight; they will also have the opportunity to go rock-climbing, play sports and hike through the beautiful scenery of the Peak District.
Mrs Baczynski said, “We are incredibly fortunate to be part of such a giving community. We strive to teach our pupils the importance of being kind, supportive and empathetic toward others, and seeing these same values reflected in our Board members and wider community is a fantastic example that will leave a lasting impact on them.”
Verity Lee, assistant principal at Sunnyside Spencer Academy and residential chaperone, said of the residential, “Children will discover that climbing and rock scrambling aren’t the only challenges they will face. Making their own beds and sleeping away from home are just as important, making this a truly enriching and valuable learning experience. Thanks to the generous donations from our community, all of our Year 6 children will have the opportunity to build the confidence and life skills that will stay with them for years to come.”