Chetwynd Spencer maintains standards following recent Ofsted inspection

Staff, parents and pupils at Chetwynd Spencer Academy are celebrating this week after receiving a tremendous report from their most recent Ofsted inspection. With the amazing work by the Chetwynd team, Ofsted have confirmed they have continued to maintain standards which were previously graded as ‘Outstanding’ in 2019.
The report opens: “Chetwynd Spencer Academy is an exceptional school where pupils are firmly at the heart. Everyone does their best to live the one school rule: ‘Be kind.’ Kindness is everywhere. Staff have high expectations of behaviour and for pupils' learning. Classrooms are calm, purposeful and exciting places to learn."
The report then goes on to say, “Pupils feel safe at school. Parents and carers agree that they are. Pupils are confident to tell an adult if they have a problem. Many say that the ‘worry monsters’ are a helpful way to communicate any worries they may have. Pupils trust that they will be listened to and supported.”
The school’s values – ‘starfish values’ (sportsmanship, tolerance, appreciation, resilience, friendship, integrity, sensitivity and helpfulness), were also acknowledged. Inspectors noted that pupils are encouraged to fulfil these values both in school and in the community. Pupils also said that these values will help them to ‘live their best lives.’
Chetwynd Spencer’s clear understanding of the needs of pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities was highlighted within the report. Inspectors noted “Staff ensure that these pupils can access the full curriculum in school. They make effective use of resources to identify these pupils’ needs quickly and provide them with effective support.”
The report also spotlights how the school promoted pupils’ personal development “exceptionally well.” The inspectors noted how there are plenty of opportunities to widen pupils’ experiences beyond the curriculum. This is demonstrated by teaching pupils about healthy relationships and friendships, ensuring they have a deep understanding of right and wrong.
Principal, Lorraine Jackson, was thrilled with the report: “I am thoroughly delighted with our report as Ofsted have captured the importance we place on kindness and developing the whole-child. Our Chetwynd community – children, staff, parents, carers & governors – is so incredibly proud of our culture of kindness, and it is embedded in all that we do. It truly is a special place for our wonderful children to thrive.”
Director of Primary Education, Kate Green, added: “We are so very proud of this achievement. The children and whole community of Chetwynd truly receive excellence every day. It is a very special place where kindness and high expectations are perfectly balanced. A huge congratulations to everyone involved.”
Paul West, CEO of Spencer Academies Trust, also shared: “This is an exceptional report, for an exceptional school. Everyone connected with the Chetwynd Spencer Community, and everyone connected with Spencer Academies Trust are celebrating for the children, staff and parents. They are thoroughly and rightly proud of their achievements, and so they should be!"
Well done to all at Chetwynd Spencer Academy!