Ashwood Spencer awarded Carnegie Gold Status School Mental Health Award

We are delighted to share that Ashwood Spencer Academy has been awarded the Gold Status School Mental Health Award by Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools, following reaccreditation.
The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools aims to strengthen the mental health of the next generation of supporting schools in order to make a positive change across all levels of the UK’s education system.
The School Mental Health Award is an evidence-based framework which support schools in developing a whole school approach with the following focuses: leadership and strategy, organisational structure and culture, support for staff and pupils, staff professional development, working with parents and carers and working with external services.
The school first achieved Bronze Status in November 2020, and have continued to grow and develop their provision, both in and out of school, over the last four years.
As part of their development, the school has introduced a tiered approach to mental health support, creating a robust and specialist team including Mental Health First Aiders and Designated Senior Leads for Mental Health. A series of interventions and training has also helped empower staff to share knowledge and mobilise change regarding mental health, both within school and also across the wider Spencer Trust family, different locations, and even internationally!
Morgan Belton-Baines, Designated Senior Lead for Mental Health at Ashwood Spencer Academy, said: “We are extremely passionate about mental health and wellbeing as a school and are committed to ensuring that we promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our pupils, staff, and wider school community. We are thrilled to achieve this award and will continue to grow and develop our approach to mental health and wellbeing.”
Principal, Paula Baines-Chambers, echoed: “We are very proud that our culture and ethos; strengthening mental health and wellbeing strategies and practices, has been recognised through achieving the 'Gold School Mental Health Award.”
Congratulations to all at Ashwood Spencer!