Spencer students celebrate exceptional A-Level Results

Spencer Academies Trust are thrilled to announce the remarkable A-Level results achieved by students across the Spencer family of schools today with 27% of students achieving grades A*-A and 55% grades A*-B.
The number of students awarded grades AAB or higher, including in at least 2 facilitating subjects, has further improved on last year’s performance, rising to 22.3%, and surpassing the 2022-23 national average. The average grade (B-) and average points score (36.29) are also both above the 2022-23 national average.
These results are a testament to the sheer determination, hard work and resilience shown by Spencer students, as well as the high-quality teaching and supportive learning environment provided by teachers and staff across the trust over the past academic year.
On behalf of everyone at Spencer Academies Trust, we extend our warmest congratulations to all our students celebrating their achievements today.
Over 800 Post 16 students from Arnold Hill, Derby Moor, George Spencer, Heanor Gate, John Port, and Rushcliffe collected their results today and are celebrating their outstanding academic and vocational achievements, with many securing places at some of the most prestigious universities - including record numbers at Oxford and Cambridge - and entry onto highly competitive courses including Medicine, Architecture, Engineering and the Sciences.
Chief Executive, Paul West commented, "Post 16 results day is one of our highlights of the year at the Trust. Again, this year students and staff are enjoying receiving the results of their shared hard efforts, and celebrating that our young people are ready to progress to their next destination. We are very proud of them all, and we wish them well.”
Susan Sharp, Executive Director of Post-16, also commended Spencer students; “They have all worked incredibly hard, and we are very proud of these results. We have a record number of students progressing to study Medicine, and attend Oxbridge, with many students securing high quality degree apprenticeships, for example at Rolls Royce and Nestle. A huge well done to all students and staff.”
Director of Secondary Education, Fraser Mitchell, echoed their thoughts, “I’m delighted that Spencer academies have achieved another set of excellent Post 16 outcomes and that we are seeing even more of our sixth formers have the opportunity to experience fantastic futures. I wish them all the very best for their next chapter beyond school life.”
The Spencer Academies Trust is committed to providing high quality education and delivering the best possible outcomes to students where they are challenged to have the highest possible aspirations for themselves and for each other and could not be more proud of the accomplishments today.
Congratulations to all Spencer sixth formers! We wish you every success in your future endeavours!
Academy Spotlights
John Port Spencer Academy
Lucinda achieved 4 A* grades and was delighted: "I’m so happy with my results and can’t wait to go to Sheffield to study Biology."
Asher achieved 3 A* grades and an A grade and is really looking forward to studying Mathematics at Imperial College, London.
Esme gained AABB and said: "I can’t wait to start my Medical degree at University of Birmingham - I am delighted with my results!"
Read more here.
Heanor Gate Spencer Academy
Heanor Gate are once again celebrating a 100% pass rate, of which 50% of grades were awarded at A*-B, a rise of 4% from last year. The percentage of A*-A is also up 7% from last year, and their average A-Level grade also reached a B.
Andy achieved A*A*A*A in Mathematics, Further Maths, Computer Science and Physics and has gained a place on the highly competitive Computer Science Course at Bath University.
Read more here.
George Spencer Academy
George Spencer are celebrating another excellent set of results, with 30% of grades awarded at A*-A and 50% of grades at a grade B or higher!
Yassin achieved A*AA, gaining a place at Oxford University to study Politics and said “I couldn't have done it without the support of many individual teachers at George Spencer, who pushed me to aim high and gave me the support to reach my goal!"
Elliot (left) shared, "I am extremely grateful to the staff at GSA for everything they have done for me and look forward to my career in Medicine at UCL."
Jack (right) said, "Thank you to all the staff at George Spencer Academy for assisting me with my journey to study Medicine at Sheffield University.”
Read more here.
Derby Moor Spencer Academy
Derby Moor are celebrating students gaining places at a range of establishments including Universities of Cambridge, Nottingham, York, Keele, Loughborough, Lancaster, Liverpool, Leicester and Birmingham alongside degree apprenticeships at Rolls Royce, DHL and Cooper Parry, with 23% of all grades at A*-A and the average grade of a Distinction on all vocational courses!
Navdeep Singh (left) will be going to Loughborough University to study Engineering.
Sresht Anantuni (right) will be studying Medicine at Keele University in September.
Read more here.
Rushcliffe Spencer Academy
Rushcliffe are celebrating an excellent set of results with over a third of all grades being awarded at A*-A, over 60% at A*-B and more than 1 in 4 grades being awarded A*-C. Over 30 students have also achieved all A* and A grades!
Jake Harrington achieved A*A*A and will be headed to Oxford University to study Physics. Jake commented that teacher support was “invaluable in helping to achieve his grades.”
Harry Lucas also achieved A*A*A and will be studying Law at Oxford University in September. He wanted to specifically thank the “amazing English Department and Sixth Form team”.
Arnold Hill are celebrating 28% A*-A grades and 56% A*-B. Ben Taylor (pictured above) achieved A*A*AA and will be studying English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford. He shared “I am excited to be going to the University of Oxford and am proud of everyone for getting through the long exam season. I could not have got my place without the support of the Sixth Form team at Arnold Hill.”
Orla McGrogan (also pictured above) who achieved A*AB also said, “I am going through Clearing as I now want to study a different course to the one I applied for. My Politics and History teachers were particularly supportive of me in the Sixth Form. Thank you.”
Charlotte Allsopp (pictured above) who achieved A*AAB said, “I am going to BIMM University Performers college and am looking forward to furthering my training. I am grateful for my time at Arnold Hill and all the support the staff have given me”.
Evie-Mae Pearce (also pictured above) shared, "I am going to Swansea University to study Zoology. I am very excited about continuing my journey and feel very well prepared for the next steps in my education. The Sixth Form team helped prepare me for the next steps and supported me greatly during my A Levels.”
Read more here.